The Throne Room


  • CAD: 75 $ - 110 $

Here’s a 40 pieces master room for your Egyptian dungeons, new reversible separate columns with different god on each side, unique floor tiles and door, new walls and a raised platform with a front facing stair. (Pharao and Obelisk can be brough here : Decorations Add-on 2)

Our tiles cast in easy to paint fortified sandstone, not low cost gypsum. No need to wash them with chemical before painting since we don’t use any demolding agent (Which make it harder for the molds and us). They can be used unpainted or can be painted to obtain a darker, old-stone look. We offer painted pieces ready to use.

SKU: N/A Category:


Pieces in this add-on (40) :

  • Throne *Shown on the last picture*
  • 13 walls
  • 9 floor tiles
  • 6 placable columns
  • 4 corner
  • 1 eagle floor tile
  • 2 center alley tiles
  • 1 half-floor tile with decals
  • 1 door socket
  • 1 double moon door
  • 1 raised platform
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